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A Major Earthquake Is Coming

California's 'Big One' Earthquake: What to Expect

A Major Earthquake is Coming

A giant earthquake will strike California this summer. Skyscrapers will topple, the Hoover Dam will crumble, and a massive tsunami will wash across the Golden State. This is the scenario painted by a new report from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). The report warns that California is about 80 years overdue for "The Big One," the kind of massive earthquake that periodically rocks California as tectonic plates slide past each other along the 800-mile San Andreas Fault.

What is The Big One?

When we refer to The Big One, we mean a 7.8 magnitude or higher quake striking along the southern San Andreas Fault. The higher magnitude means it will also last longer than a smaller quake, causing more damage. The USGS estimates that The Big One could cause up to $200 billion in damage and kill thousands of people.

When Will The Big One Hit?

No one can say for sure when The Big One will hit, but the USGS says it is overdue. The last major earthquake on the southern San Andreas Fault was in 1857, and the average time between major earthquakes on this fault is about 150 years. So, based on the historical record, The Big One is overdue.

What Can We Do to Prepare?

There are a number of things we can do to prepare for The Big One. First, we need to make sure our homes and businesses are earthquake-proof. This means bolting them to their foundations and securing heavy objects that could fall and cause injury. We should also have a plan for what to do if an earthquake strikes, including where to go and how to contact loved ones.
