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Cox Communications Appeal Sent To Supreme Court

Cox Communications Appeal Sent to Supreme Court

Supreme Court Considers Cox Communications' Appeal

Following the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit's 2021 ruling that Cox Communications must pay $1 billion in copyright infringement damages to various music industry groups, the internet service provider (ISP) has filed a petition with the U.S. Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari.

Background of the Case

The case stems from a 2019 jury verdict that found Cox liable for failing to remove "bad actors" from its network who were accused of infringing on music copyrights.

The music industry groups alleged that Cox should be held responsible for the pirated content shared by its users, arguing that the ISP had the ability to terminate the accounts of infringers but failed to do so.

Supreme Court Appeal

In its petition to the Supreme Court, Cox Communications argues that the appeals court ruling misinterprets the Copyright Act and places an undue burden on ISPs.

The company contends that it is not liable for the actions of its users and that it cannot be held responsible for policing the internet for copyright infringement.

Implications for the Music Industry

The outcome of the Supreme Court's review could have significant implications for the music industry.

  • A ruling in favor of the music industry groups would strengthen their ability to hold ISPs accountable for copyright infringement by their users.
  • A ruling in favor of Cox Communications would limit the liability of ISPs and make it more difficult for copyright holders to enforce their rights online.

Upcoming News Article Headline

Supreme Court to Weigh in on ISP Liability for Copyright Infringement
